Stretch (A Fantasia) Full Score


theatrical score for chamber ensemble (PDF Download)

Stretch (A Fantasia) is a play by Susan Bernfield. Imagine the final days of Rose Mary Woods, Richard Nixon's loyal secretary. As she observes the 2004 presidential election from a nursing home in the swingin-est swing state of 'em all. Thinks about power, and loyalty, and lying. And has some very strange dreams...

In my research, I learned that Nixon regularly hired strolling violinists for White House dinners; their presence must have permeated Rose’s subconscious. At work and in dreams, Rose’s typewriter is an extension of her physical self, providing percussive precision and commentary throughout the play. The additional colors of trumpet and upright bass illuminate Rose’s visions: her experience within the country’s highest office, her proximity to power, and her asides to the audience about the mess behind the scenes. The music times out very specifically in tandem with the monologues, functioning as though Rose is singing, even though the lines are spoken.

This score reflects the original production. The play can be—and has been—performed without my score. Susan’s script is available for purchase and licensing separately via Playscripts.

INSTRUMENTATION: Nonsinging actor, trumpet, IBM Selectric typwriter, two violins, and upright bass. Parts are available separately.

DURATION: 45 minutes


WORLD PREMIERE: Living Theatre, 2008

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